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Learning Loss Resource

OVERALL REPORTS ON RECOVERY / UNFINISHED LEARNING / ESSER FUNDING ● COVID-19 and Learning Loss. McKinsey. (Dorn et al., 2020) ss-disparities-grow-and-students-need-help ● Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond. Learning Policy Institute. (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020) ● Guiding Schools’ COVID-19 Recovery Decision Using Data and Evidence. EdResearch for Recovery Project. (Annenberg Institute, 2021) ● Addressing Unfinished Learning After COVID-19 School Closures (Council of Great City Schools, 2020 LEARNING.PDF ● EdTrust Strategies ● FutureEd Perspectives ● ERS Principles SPECIFIC PRACTICES BY THEME ASSESSMENT 3 Principles for Assessments During Instructional Recovery and Beyond (14 p) ○ Provides a description, rationale, reflection questions, and recommended action steps for each principle:

  1. Establish a tiered approach to collecting data

  2. Prioritize data close to instruction

  3. Use data to increase student and family engagement

Blueprint for Testing: How Schools Should Assess Students During the COVID Crisis (17 p) ○ Outlines the following suggestions for assessment:

  • Get clear on purpose

  • Focus on student wellness and relationships

  • Consider student and staff surveys

  • Prioritize assessments closest to instruction

  • Use classroom assessments to accelerate learning

  • Use interim assessments primarily for school and district decisions

  • Make test results available to parents

  • Administer state tests in the spring without high stakes TUTORING

Accelerating Student Learning with High-Dosage Tutoring (10 p)

○ Summarizes the

evidence base for high-dosage tutoring and lays out 10 design principles for effective tutoring: frequency, group size, personnel, focus, measurement, relationships, curriculum, scheduling, delivery mode, and prioritization ACADEMIC INTERVENTION & SUPPORT

  • School Practices to Address Student Learning Loss (5 p)

    • ○ Strategies to consider: high-dosage tutoring; extended learning time; strong early-warning monitoring systems

  • ○ Strategies to avoid: compressed content, grade retention, and enhanced RTI

  • Broad-Based Academic Supports for All Students (6 p)

    • ○ Strategies to consider: face-to-face instruction for early elementary; targeted support for families; teaching grade-level content with special support; cross-team communication and maximizing instructional time; teacher looping structures

    • ○ Strategies to avoid: large-scale standardized testing; remediation programs that supplant regular instruction

Changes in the School Calendar that Maximize Learning (9 p) ○ Reviews evidence suggesting that extending and/or reconfiguring the school year to include shorter breaks can benefit students, then offers recommendations Extended Day, Extended Year, and Year-Round Schooling – A Brief Review of the Literature (7 p) ○ Evidence suggests that adding instructional time to the school year and reducing the length of summer vacation work, to some degree, to mitigate learning loss, although neither appears to produce very large gains, at least consistently. OTHER STRATEGIES Keeping Pace: Strategies for Ensuring Equitable Continuity of Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic (4 p) ○ Summarizes the following continuity of learning strategies:

  • Curriculum-based assessments and curriculum-based measurements

  • Community homework centers

  • Alternative scheduling models

  • Ongoing, real-time, synchronous feedback and interaction with teachers

  • Universal SEL program

  • Summer learning programs

Thank you for sharing this resource Jusmar Maness!

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