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People Follow You" by Jeb Blount is a book that outlines the essential qualities of effective leadership. The author argues that great leaders inspire and motivate their teams by creating a vision, building trust c qualities, and building a team culture that fosters collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. It also emphasizes the need for leaders to prioritize personal and professional development, as this will enable them to be more effective in their roles.

Blount says leadership is complex.

My engagement moment came; what we experience, we remember. He stated creating positive emotional experiences means taking action to do something kind for another person for the sole purpose of making him feel good.

  • Avoid harboring premeditated resentment.

  • Steer clear of having a self-centered attitude.

  • Refrain from treating your employees as disposable commodities.

Blount states creating positive emotional experiences for your people because you sincerely want to give them joy without expecting anything in return. For leaders, this requires faith that, when you share with sincerity and for the right reasons, even though some of your employees won't appreciate your efforts or take advantage of them, the universe has a fantastic way of evening things out and paying you back many times over-sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly. It is the faith that by consistently doing the right thing and putting your people first, you will find success as a leader. I can assure you that you will.

Here are some next steps that can help you improve your leadership skills and build a high-performing team:

  • Reflect on your leadership style: Take some time to reflect on your current style and identify areas you can improve upon. Consider your strengths and weaknesses and leverage your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

  • Create a vision: Develop a clear vision for your team that aligns with the organization's goals. Communicate this vision to your team and get their input to ensure everyone is on board.

  • Build trust: Establish trust with your team by being honest, transparent, and consistent. Encourage open communication and be receptive to feedback from your team.

  • Communicate effectively: Develop strong communication skills and use them to keep your team informed and engaged. Be clear and concise in your messaging, and be willing to listen to your team's concerns and ideas.

  • Lead by example: Set the tone for your team by modeling the behaviors and values you want them to embody. Be accountable for your actions and hold yourself to high standards.

  • Prioritize personal and professional development: Continuously seek opportunities to learn and grow as a leader. Attend conferences, workshops, and training programs, and seek mentorship and coaching to help you improve your skills.

By following these next steps, you can improve your leadership skills and build a highly motivated, engaged, and productive team.


People Follow You: The Real Secret to What Matters Most in Leadership by Jeb Blount offers insight into employee and leadership relationships. I was impressed with the amount of "common sense" practical ways as a leader, we can make small intentional moves that will change the progression of our organization.

I am a Leader. What's your superpower?

Dr. Tarcia Gilliam-Parrish,

Engagement Specialist

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International Women's Day celebrates women's achievements and a call to action for gender equality. Black women leaders have played a crucial role in shaping history, breaking barriers, and making a difference. Today, we want to highlight Captain Janet Days. She is an incredible woman who has made an indelible mark on history.

Captain Janet Days are now the first Black woman commanding officer in Naval Station Norfolk's (NAVSTA) 106-year history. The Chicago native graduated Summa Cum Laude from Old Dominion University and was commissioned through Naval ROTC's Enlisted Commissioning Program. Within her 24-year career, she's taken numerous tours aboard: USS Simon Lake, homeported at La Maddalena, Italy, USS Mahan, and USS Forrest Sherman. She's also been deployed twice!

Her leadership hasn't gone unnoticed; Days was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (7), Army Commendation Medal (2), Army Achievement Medal, and the Afghanistan Campaign Medal. 

On February 3, 2023, she was sworn in as NAVSTA's 51st Commanding Officer. This role is typically reserved for white men, making history as the first Black commanding officer of the world's most extensive naval base, which is located in Norfolk, VA. This wasn't the first time Days made history; in 2021, she was named the first Black woman Executive Officer at Naval Station Norfolk.

She'll oversee 6,200 acres in her new role, including 13 piers, an 8,000-foot airfield, 63 ships, two 188 aircraft, and 18 squadrons. A true trailblazer and an inspiration to all, this is an excellent start to Black History Month.

Congratulations, Captain Days! Keep making power moves!

The women in the armed forces, and countless others, have profoundly changed the world. Their leadership, courage, and determination have inspired generations of women and girls to pursue their dreams, break down barriers, and fight for a better future. As we celebrate International Women's Day, let us remember the contributions of these incredible women and commit ourselves to continue their work for a more just and equitable world.

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Social-emotional learning (SEL) has become an increasingly important aspect of education, as research has shown that it plays a vital role in the success of students and adults alike. One key component of SEL is building solid relationships, which can help to increase the social-emotional quotient (SEQ) - the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions.

Building solid relationships is about more than just being friendly or likable. It involves creating a sense of trust, respect, and empathy that allows individuals to connect more deeply. When we have strong relationships with others, we feel more supported and connected, which can lead to many benefits, including improved well-being, higher levels of engagement, and tremendous success in our personal and professional lives.

So, how can we build strong relationships that help to increase our social-emotional quotient? Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Practice Active Listening: Active listening is about more than just hearing what someone is saying - it involves paying attention, asking questions, and responding to show you understand and care. When we practice active listening, we show that we value and respect the other person, which can help to build trust and empathy.

  2. Share Your Own Experiences: Sharing your experiences can help create a sense of connection and understanding with others. When we are willing to be vulnerable and share our struggles and successes, we show that we are human, which can help others to relate and connect with us on a deeper level.

  3. Practice Empathy: Empathy involves putting yourself in someone else's shoes and trying to understand their perspective. When we practice compassion, we show that we care about the other person and are willing to take the time to understand their thoughts and feelings. Practice empathy helps build trust and respect, essential to solid relationships.

  4. Show Appreciation: When we take the time to show appreciation for others, we communicate that we value and respect them. Whether a simple "thank you" or a more elaborate gesture, showing appreciation can help strengthen relationships and increase the social-emotional quotient.

In conclusion, building strong relationships is an essential component of social-emotional learning. By practicing active listening, sharing our experiences, practicing empathy, and showing appreciation, we can increase our social-emotional quotient and create a more supportive and connected community. Let's commit to building strong relationships and supporting each other on our social-emotional learning journeys. #SELAdults #SocialEmotionalLearning #PersonalGrowth #WellBeing #Education #SELforAdults

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