Blog Post | Power Of Engagement
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This technology resources directory is a comprehensive "how to guide" for novice and advance users.

Technology Resource Directory PageLink:

Below are a few of my favorite links:

Audio and Video Editing

Presenters Technology

Resources for Learning Outside of the Classroom

Thank you for engaging and inspiring others to engage.

Learning to make a shortened URL is vital for social media post. Below are the easy steps from INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY website of the Plano Independent School District.

For a Website

  1. Copy the URL that you want to shorten. 

  2. Go to 

  3. Paste the long URL and click the "Make TinyURL!" button. 

  4. The shortened URL will appear. You can now copy and paste it where you need it. 

For a Google Doc

  1. Set sharing to “anyone with the link” and either “can edit” or “can view” (depending on what your purpose is for the Doc)

  2. Copy the “shareable link”

  3. Go to #2 below

For a Google Form

  1. After creating your form, click Send (you will not actually send it). You’ll have the option to collect usernames and to send the form by email, a link, or embedding - click the link icon and copy the link

  2. In another browser tab, go to

  3. In the field titled Enter a long URL to make tiny, paste the link to your Google form.   Before clicking the Make TinyURL button, you have the option to enter the custom alias (the end of the URL that you want to give to your users - for example, PISD_Watson or Vines-Eng-1). Note that you can’t have spaces in this field.

  4. Click the Make TinyURL button and you will have a much friendlier URL to say aloud, write on the board, or send in an email.


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Have you started building your team? Re-Entry Team, Technology Team, Virtual Communication Team, and the list goes on. The links below share some great ideas for you and your teams.

An Employers’ Guide to Remote Team Building During COVID-19

This article shared a variety of resources to build virtual team spirit.

Managing Teams During COVID-19: Leading in the Grey

This article shares Develop your skills as a proactive leader in your business and learn how to lead your team with empathy while maintaining a strong performance culture. Easy read!

11 Ways to Keep Morale High With Virtual Team Building

This article shares ways to engage during virtual meetings. I love the "coffee catch-up" idea.

The 8-Step Process for Leading Change by Dr. John Kotter

This article shares a 8 step process for leading change.

Thank you for engaging and inspiring others to engage.

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